On September 21st 2019 at 4.00 pm an unmissable event at the Tornielli Museum in Ameno: it is Ameno Noir, a meeting between 5 noir writers.
09/21/2019 | Ameno Noir: 5 noir writers compared

On September 21st 2019 at 4.00 pm an unmissable event at the Tornielli Museum in Ameno: it is Ameno Noir, a meeting between 5 noir writers.
Saturday 7 September 2019, at 4.30 pm, concert by the jazz pianist Enrico Intra with Alex Stangoni live electronics, at the Antonio and Carmela Calderara Foundation in Vacciago …
On Sunday 01 September 2019, during the “Dolce & Salato” event held in the streets of Gozzano, a section of the CAI of Gozzano will accompany a walk to the Tower of Buccione…
Sabato 31 agosto 2019 alle ore 18.00, presso l’incantevole chiesa di s. Antonio Abate a Vacciago, dove è anche possibile ammirare un panorama eccezionale, si esibirà il Quartetto Sax Semibraevi. Sarà un giro di sax dal Barocco al Tango. Seguirà aperitivo…
Saturday, August 31, 2019, at 6.00 pm at the church of S. Antonio in Vacciago, the charming Baroque hamlet of Ameno…
Also this year, a new edition of the Cùrsa di Barlesc (drop-down competition) has arrived in the streets of Ameno, with a mini-course also for children, organized by the Pro Loco of Ameno…
Also this year the Calderara Foundation, during the summer months organizes guided visits to the 20th century Art Collection in Vacciago…
Maria Grazia Pironi, painter, lives in Vacciago, a charming and panoramic hamlet of Ameno.
In her paintings she favors portraits of women. Her is an elegant painting, which enhances a delicately attractive, refined, somewhat mysterious femininity…
Oggi, 7 agosto 2019 è giunto l’ultimo appuntamento con il Dada Festival alle ore 18 presso il Bar Onchelli ad Ameno…
Oggi, 6 agosto 2019, quinto appuntamento con il Dada Festival alle 18 in Piazza Beltrami ad Ameno…